With the ever increasing amount of super hero movies out there, it's getting harder and harder to make an imprint on the genre. Chronicle tries its hand at making a mark by implementing a new, albeit getting a little stale, angle: found footage. I don't necessarily have an issue with found footage films if they are done right, but the found footage has to serve a purpose. For the most part, the found footage approach works. There are only a few times where it seems a bit forced (usually preceded by a character even asking, "why are you filming?").
To borrow a tagline from another prominent super hero movie: "with great power comes great responsibility" and the trio in Chronicle definitely struggle with this as the powers lead to some divisiveness among the friends. Overall, Chronicle is an interesting and fresh take on the super hero genre with a slightly tired approach effectively portraying a more realistic approach to what might happen if teenagers were granted special powers.
(84 minutes - Rated PG-13 for intense action and violence, thematic material, some language, sexual content and teen drinking - 2012) (Netflix)
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