Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Whip It (Whip It good!)

Whip It - (4 Stars)

Sometimes a movie can tread such familiar territory that it hardly feels worth watching. Other times a movie takes a tried and true formula and demonstrate how enjoyable it can be to revisit an old idea with a new twist. Whip It fits into the latter category. With an interesting set of characters and a quirky sense of humor, Whip It is an enjoyable ride from start to finish.

Drew Barrymore's directorial debut revolves around Bliss Cavendar (Ellen Page), a teenage girl growing up in the small town of Bodeen, Texas. Having no real purpose of her own, she participates in beauty pageants to appease her mother (Marcia Gay Harden). But everything changes when she discovers the heavy-hitting world of roller derby.

Whip It is does not follow a very original plot structure. The various turns were both expected and familiar but at the same time welcome. I found myself thinking of other movies without ever being to exactly place what movie I was being reminded of. The characters are definitely Whip It's greatest asset. The diverse and colorful cast drive the recognizable vehicle from mediocre to well above-average. For those that are a fan of the unconventional, idiosyncratic humor of movies such as Juno or Little Miss Sunshine, Whip It is right on track. (Netflix)

(120 Minutes - Rated PG-13 for Sexual Content including crude dialogue, language and drug material - 2009)

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